Reflexology is a relaxing and therapeutic answer to all of the body’s healing mechanisms. The reflexology technique applies gentle pressure to reflex certain areas on the outside of the foot or hands in order to bring about a state of relaxation and increase the body’s own healing process.
Reflexology treatment is a safe and natural therapy that stimulates blood circulation and flow, boosts the immune system and calms the mind. It aims to provide what the body needs by stimulating the production of endorphins, which are the body’s natural painkillers.
Reflexology is based on the theory that all of the body’s organs, including the nerves, glands and other parts of the body, are connected to reflex areas on the feet and hands. Massaging these zones releases the healing benefits of the process.
In modern reflexology, the foot is divided into 12 pressure zones that treat pain and inflammation. Practising these techniques may help alleviate stress, fibromyalgia, chronic bowel diseases, muscle pain and even reduce difficulty breathing due to tight muscles. It may also promote a sense of well-being and good overall health.
Sessions with our reflexologists last for one hour. The practitioner will ask you about the aches, pains or problems you’re experiencing before starting the treatment.
The foot reflexology session will feel like a foot massage, but it will be more targeted. The practitioner will use their thumb and fingers to apply pressure to certain areas of the foot.
Benefits of Reflexology
- Encourage the body to heal
- Relieve the effects of stress
- Improve the immune system
- Relieve pain
- Encourage better circulation
- Improve bowel movement
- Eliminate waste products from the body
- Clear the body of toxins
- Improve nerve stimulation
- Promote general relaxation
- Decrease pain and increase healing
Who Should Try Reflexology?
Reflexology is a great therapy for anyone, whether you are looking to improve your overall health or just want to relax and de-stress. It is also beneficial for those who may not be able to have other types of massages due to certain health conditions.
Reflexology is not recommended for pregnant women or those who may have certain conditions. If you have health concerns, please consult your reflexologist or doctor before booking your session.
Reflexology is a safe and gentle therapy that has many benefits for both the mind and body. When provided by a trained foot health practitioner, reflexology It is a relaxing therapy that can help to reduce stress and promote overall well-being. Reflexology can also be used to treat specific conditions such as pain, muscle tension, headaches and digestive disorders. If you are interested in trying reflexology, schedule your appointment with Heaven’s Footcare today.